It's hard to believe, but it's coming -
our 50th Class Reunion!

When Friday, September 13, 2024
Time 7:00pm to Midnight
729 Marshall Street N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55413

Reunion Reservations

Friday night Reunion

We've planned a fun, casual event including appetizers, cake, cash bar, and a custom playlist of the best songs from our era for listening and dancing. Come to relive old times with your classmates and catch up to see what they have been up to since. We have heard that other classes have had more people attend their 50th reunions than previous reunions, so we are counting on a record-breaking turnout!

Tickets are $50 in advance - registration deadline Thursday, August 29, or $65 at the door. We encourage you to register in advance so that we order enough food.

Register & Pay

If you do not have access to a computer or do not wish to set up a PayPal account to pay, you may mail a check to:

Edison Class of 1974
7407 Landau Curve
Minneapolis, MN 55438-2365

Please include the name(s) of the attendee(s), including maiden name if applicable, and email address.


If you are so inclined, feel free to make a donation to the class reunion fund in excess of the $50 registration fee. We try to keep the registration fee affordable but that sometimes leads to less money in the "kitty" to begin the next reunion, so if you chose to shore that up, it is appreciated. Click DONATION at the bottom of the invitation on the registration site.

Hotel Rooms

We did not reserve a block of rooms at any hotel as nobody chose that option in 2019. The Nicollet Island Inn is the closest hotel to Elsie's, and of course, there are many hotels just across the river downtown and in the U of M area. (Gopher football game locations are not yet published, and the Vikings are away that Saturday.)

Give Us Your Contact Information

We need your email address NOW! All future communications will be sent electonically.

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Help Us Find More Alumni

We are looking for email addresses for the following classmates

Email us! with the Alumni's name and any contact info you have available.